December 9, 2015
Student will increase transitional movements in the school environment. Student will increase transitional movements in school environment by moving between the floor and standing using a support surface with stand by assistance and verbal cues 75% of opportunities on 2 […]
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December 9, 2015
Student will demonstrate self-help skills in dressing and undressing. When entering the classroom each morning student will hang her/his coat in her/his hallway locker. 4 of 5 times with verbal and visual cues during first quarter.
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December 9, 2015
Given the following tasks, student will increase his/her safety and bilateral leg use by performing the following objectives with only verbal prompts, as measured by biweekly data collection: student will alternate ascending the stairs with verbal reminders (holding the railing) […]
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December 9, 2015
Student will improve her functional gross motor skill from basline in present levels of performance to mastery level. Student will catch playground ball thrown from 5 feet away with her hands only. Student will rise form floor using half kneel […]
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December 9, 2015
Student will demonstrate an increase in gross motor abilities by mastering all of the following objectives: Student will sit independently throughout a group/floor activity for 10 minutes, with minimal encouragement or verbal cues. Student will functionally stand while involved in […]
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