IEP Goal: #107
Student will demonstrate improved lip closure, tongue retraction, cheek strength, and sensory awareness as evidenced by his ability to drink 6 oz. of liquid from an open cup or straw cup using tongue retraction and without loss of liquid and by no drool on his shirt on 4 out of 5 days/trials as measured by teacher and OT records.
Student will demonstrate improved lip closure, tongue retraction, cheek strength, and sensory awareness as evidenced by his ability to drink 3 oz. of liquid from an open cup or straw cup using tongue retraction and without loss of liquid given verbal prom
Student will demonstrate improved lip closure, tongue retraction, cheek strength, and sensory awareness as evidenced by his ability to drink 6 oz. of liquid from an open cup or straw cup using tongue retraction and without loss of liquid given verbal prom